Polished Stainless Steel Finger Cat Claw Scratcher with Case
Get that special itch you've been dying to scratch with our Polished Stainless Steel Finger Cat Claw Scratcher with Case! More than a singly-focused back scratcher, this stainless steel double nail is great for sensory play as you run the sharp talon across exposed erogenous zones of flesh. Wear it as a Ring and Tease and Torment Your Play Partner--we recommend the nerve-populated "edges" of the body (lateral obliques, jaw lines, kneecaps, knee-pits, under-boob, and so on).
You're welcome.
- Comes with carrying case
- Materials: Stainless steel
- Dimensions: 4.5 inches long; claw length is 2.75 inches
- Weight: 4.8 ounces